Saturday, January 1, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Head Lice For Good!

Liceguard robi comb electronic head lice detector and remover - 1 ea
I had a lice a couple of times as a kid, and it was a nightmare.  Sitting there letting my mother meticulously comb through every single strand of hair, pulling, yanking.  The boredom would get to me, and I would fidget, inevitably pissing her off. It was torment.  What else can a poor kid do but sit there and suffer?

Once I  became an adult and had kids of my own, I vowed to shave their heads if they ever got lice.  Luckily, we have boys so that's not a big problem, but when we got it, oh boy!  We both have long, thick, wavy hair and this was not going to be fun. I kept asking myself, "how can I avoid that turmoil?"

Well I asked a friend who told me her and her daughter have the kind of hair that lice just love.  She said they suffered for years and all the 'lice resistant' shampoos and products in the world eventually became ineffective as the lice adapted to new treatments.  She finally did her own research and stumbled across the Robi comb.  This nifty gadget electrocutes those little pests so they can't lay eggs.  This is the miracle cure for how to get rid of head lice!